Configuration types

There are a few data types required for configuring your project tasks.


Boolean values just carry a yes/no or true/false information, where yes and true (no and false) can be used interchangeably.


  - task: T1
    duration: 10d
    active: false


A date type resembles a natural date with year, month and day but without a time. All start and end properties are configured with dates. A date always follows this pattern: yyyy-mm-dd:

  1. 4 digits for the year
  2. A dash (-) separator
  3. 2 digits for the month
  4. A dash (-) separator
  5. 2 digits for the day of the month


  - task: T1
    start: 2020-01-01
    end: 2020-01-31


A duration measures relative time. It is always measured in working time. E.g. a task that runs for 2 days and starts Friday morning will finish Monday COB, with Saturday and Sunday not being working days.

A duration has the following format: “<number>w <number>d <number>h <number>m”, with:

  1. w” is a working week. By default this resembles 5 working days, but can be changed through configuration
  2. d” is a working day. By default this resembles 8 working hours, but can be changed through configuration
  3. h” is a working hour. This is always 60 minutes
  4. m” is a working minute. The smallest amount of time TaskFalcon can track.
  5. <number> is a natural positive number (no decimals)

Elements with the number 0 can be omitted.

You can arrange those segments in any order you like, but it’s strongly advised to follow the w-d-h-m order.

Breaking down the duration is for your convenience only. If you like you can schedule your whole project in minutes (this is what TaskFalcon does anyhow). So the durations 1d 2h 15m and 8h 135m and 615m are all equivalent.


  duration: 10d 4h
  duration: 15m
  duration: 1w
  efforts: 2w 3d 4h
  efforts: 80d