Command line

This section will cover the command line parameters, you can use to influence the behaviour of TaskFalcon.


You can get a brief overview of all available parameters by running TaskFalcon without any parameter:

> falcon
Usage: falcon [options] <filename>

See for more details and examples.

        Also applies updates that lie after 'today'
  -colors string
        Import custom color table from file. Exports default colors if file does not exist
  -end string
        Sets a end date for all output formats. Format is either YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2020-09-20) for absolute days or +/-<duration> (e.g. +3w) for a time relative to TODAY
        Exports a summary over all resources, tasks and accounts
  -export-charts string
        Comma separated list of charts to export. Supports "gantt", "gantt-with-resources", "resources", "resources-with-tasks" (default "gantt,gantt-with-resources,resources,resources-with-tasks")
        Exports a click map for each chart for integration with external tools
        Export results to CSV file
        Export results to JSON file
        Exports a resource slip for each resource, which shows the list of tasks assigned to it
        Export results to XLSX (Excel 2007+) file
  -h    Shows this help
  -max-depth int
        Renders only tasks with a maximum hierarchical depth (default -1)
        Prevents the generation of rendered chart images. Same as -export-charts "" (empty)
        Renders only groups and milestones but no tasks. Automatically enables -show-group-resources
        Ignores updates in the project - just schedules the baseline
  -prefix string
        Limits rendering only tasks which IDs begin with a prefix
  -scale string
        Sets the rendering scale. One of DAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR
        Show tasks that have been completed in the past
        Show dependencies of all tasks/groups/milestones
        Show percent value of completed efforts
        Shows efforts in an additional column
        Shows remaining task efforts for today in an additional column
        Shows efforts that already have been spent on a task by beginning of "today" in an additional column
        Shows end dates in a separate column
        Renders resource summaries for task groups
        Shows Task/Milestone/Group/Resource IDs in the output instead of names
  -start string
        Sets a start date for all output formats. Format is either YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2020-09-20) for absolute days or +/-<duration> (e.g. +3w) for a time relative to TODAY
        Instead of the main project, render charts for each imported sub-project
  -tags string
        Provides a comma separated list of tag filters for rendering. Use +/- prefix to include/exclude tags. e.g. "+tag1,-tag2"
  -today string
        Sets the current date for determining efforts left and rendering the date line. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2020-09-20)
  -v    Prints version number

TaskFalcon v0.9.23. ©2020-2024 Marc Müller. All rights reserved.

Parameter -all-updates

since v0.9.13

Usually TaskFalcon will schedule all updates between project start and the parameter today (which is the current day unless set to a different value explicitly). Sometimes it might be useful to apply all updates even if they lie in the future. This command line option tells TaskFalcon to apply all updates independent of the current day or the parameter --today (see parameter --today).

Parameters -export-charts and -no-charts

since v0.9.9

This parameter allows selective rendering of those four chart types.
It allows combining those charts through a comma separated list (no whitespace) in any order. See examples below.

  1. gantt:
    Renders a basic GANTT chart with task-groups, tasks and milestones: GANTT chart

  2. gantt-with-resources:
    Renders a GANTT chart with assigned resources for each task: GANTT chart

  3. resources:
    Renders a resource utilisation chart: GANTT chart

  4. resources-with-tasks:
    Renders a Resource utilisation chart with a list of assigned tasks for each resource: GANTT chart


# This renders only a GANTT chart
falcon -export-charts gantt example.yaml 

# This renders resource chart and a GANTT chart with resources
falcon -export-charts gantt-with-resources,gantt example.yaml

# The default setting renders all available charts, hence the next 2 lines result in the same output
falcon -export-charts gantt,gantt-with-resources,resources,resources-with-tasks example.yaml
falcon example.yaml

# The next 2 lines will both renders no charts at all (e.g. only useful when used with other export options like "-export-csv")
falcon -export-charts "" example.yaml
falcon -no-charts example.yaml

Parameters -export-csv, -export-json, -export-xlsx

Theese parameters will export the scheduled plan to various output formats for further processing.

Parameter -export-resource-slips

since v0.9.7

This parameter will export an overview of all related tasks for each available resource.

The content is identical to the generated project file <project-name>.resources-with-tasks.png, but it will create one separate chart for each resource and each file will only show tasks this resource will be working on.


falcon -today 2020-06-01 -export-resource-slips example.yaml

GANTT chart

GANTT chart

Parameter -no-updates

since v0.8.3

This parameter will force TaskFalcon to ignore all updates. The scheduler will only consider tasks and resources (including imported files).

Parameter -prefix

since v0.8.1

A prefix allows you to create a chart for only a limited branch of your project plan. The required parameter is the beginning of a fully qualified ID (see Task/Milestones/Groups).


falcon -today 2020-06-01 -prefix sub-2 example.yaml

GANTT chart

Parameter -scale

since v0.8.1

TaskFalcon will try to find the best scale for your diagrams to be displayed on a standard monitor.

You can use the parameter -scale <DAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR> if you like to see more/less details.


falcon -today 2020-06-01 -scale day example.yaml

GANTT chart

falcon -today 2020-06-01 -scale week example.yaml

GANTT chart

falcon -today 2020-06-01 -scale month example.yaml

GANTT chart

Parameter -show-closed-tasks

since v0.8.8

By default, TaskFalcon hides tasks that have been completed before today. With -show-closed-tasks you can force TaskFalcon to show those tasks.


falcon -today 2020-06-18 -show-closed-tasks example.yaml

GANTT chart

Parameters -show-ends, -show-efforts, -show-effortsspent, -show-effortsleft and -show-done

By default TaskFalcon will render two text columns with the name of a task and the calculated start date.

With -show-ends, you can show the end date of a task or group in a separate column. since v0.8.1

With -show-efforts, you can show the total amount of efforts required for a task. since v0.8.1

With -show-effortsspent, you can show the total amount of efforts already spent on a task until the current date. since v0.9.18

With -show-effortsleft, you can show the remaining efforts required to complete the task for the current date. since v0.9.4

With -show-done, you can show the relative progress of completenes of a task or group at the current date. since v0.9.13

The current date can be changed with -today YYYY-MM-DD. The shown efforts do not include buffers but only the estimated efforts.


falcon -today 2020-06-18 -show-ends -show-efforts -show-effortsleft -show-effortsspent -show-done -show-closed-tasks example.yaml

GANTT chart

Parameter -show-ids

since v0.8.1

In a complex project with hundreds of tasks, it can be sometimes difficult to find the ID of a task if you want to set a filter or create a task update. With the parameter -show-ids, TaskFalcon will use the ID of a task instead of the name in the diagram.


falcon -today 2020-06-18 -show-ids example.yaml

GANTT chart

Parameters -start and -end

since v0.9.7

With the parameters -start and -end you can explicitly set the time range of the output diagrams.

You can use the format YYYY-MM-DD to set an absolute date:

falcon -start 2020-06-01 -end 2020-08-20 example.yaml

Or you can use a time range +/-<duration> relative to the current date (which can also be set with -today YYYY-MM-DD):

falcon -start -1w -end +4w example.yaml


falcon -today 2020-06-15 -start -1w -end +1w example.yaml

GANTT chart

Parameter -sub-projects

since v0.8.7

Instead of rendering one diagram, which includes all imported sub projects, with this parameter TaskFalcon will generate one set of output diagrams for each imported project. This is useful if you need a combined resource planning across multiple projects but you want to visualise the tasks for each project individually.


falcon -today 2020-06-01 -sub-projects example.yaml

GANTT chart

GANTT chart

Parameter -tags

since v0.9.16

With tags you can customise the tasks that will be displayed in the exported diagrams or other formats. Tags that you assign to a task do not influence scheduling. When using the parameter -tags you can give it a comma separated list of tags you want to show or prevent from showing up in the output.

In the task definition, the tags are just a comma separated list of arbitrary names. In the command line, the listed tags can be prefixed with + to include or - to exclude a tag. If neither + nor - are provided, TaskFalcon will default to include a tag.

If multiple tags are given via command line, each task will be checked against all filters. The last filter to match the task will decide whether the task is shown.

If you only use excluding tags, TaskFalcon will show all tasks except for the excluded tasks. If you only use including tags or a combination of including/excluding tags, TaskFalcon will only show the tasks that are explicitly included in the tags.


Given this example file:

  - task: T1
    length: 1d
    tags: a

  - task: T2
    length: 1d
    tags: b

  - task: T3
    length: 1d
    tags: a,b

Command line examples with explanation:

Parameter -today

since v0.9.4

TaskFalcon uses the current date to show a vertical bar in the diagrams for the current day. By using -today you can change this to a specific date, using the format YYYY-MM-DD.

falcon -today 2020-06-15 example.yaml


falcon -today 2020-06-15 example.yaml

GANTT chart

YAML files used for the examples on this page

Those are the project files, which were used for the examples on this page.

# File: example.yaml
  name: Command-Line Examples
  start: 2020-06-01

  - resources.yaml
  - sub-1.yaml
  - sub-2.yaml
# File: sub-1.yaml
  name: Sub-Project 1
  start: 2020-06-01

  - resources.yaml

  - task: T1
    name: Task 1
    efforts: 10d
    assign: r1

  - task: T2
    name: Task 2
    length: 5d
    depends: T1

  - milestone: M1
    name: Finished
    depends: T1, T2
# File: sub-2.yaml
  name: Sub-Project 2
  start: 2020-06-08

  - resources.yaml

  - task: T1
    name: Task 1
    efforts: 5d
    assign: r1

  - task: T2
    name: Task 2
    efforts: 5d
    assign: r2

  - task: T3
    name: Task 3
    efforts: 15d
    assign: r1, r2

  - milestone: M1
    name: Finished
    depends: T1, T2, T3
# File: resources.yaml
  - resource: r1
    name: Worker 1

  - resource: r2
    name: Worker 2